BISS. GCh, Am Ch Roll-About´s Gold Contender - New peke family member
septiembre 24, 2014
I am so pleased to introduce you to our new pekingese family member, Beijing, BISS. GCh, Am Ch Roll-About´s Gold Contender, 6 years old in last July, bred by Carrie Forsyth and coming from California. Father: Am Ch Forbidden City of Dejavu, Mother: Can Ch Lionheart Sweet Seduction, a grandson of UK Ch Tengling Golden Arrow of Pekehuis and Can Ch Klerkhof Reverie, Also he is the father of Am Ch, Am Gr Ch Roll-About´s Paprika and Am Ch. Roll-About Rouge Contender. He went to Spain flying in a direct flight from LA to Rome and then to Malaga, in cabin and with an escort just for him. He is doing pretty well at home, enjoying the nice weather and all the new peke friends. Thank you very much to Carrie Forsyth for trusting in me for taking care of Beijing, hope he has a long healthy life with me at home, it is a pleasure have this little treasure with me and hope he could do great in my breeding program. Here you have photos of him whe was showed, his shows results, pedigree and photos at my home with 6 years old.
Beijing at his home in Spain with 6 years old
Beijing in November 2014, 4 months at home.
Beijing at March 2015, 8 months at home
Beijing after 15 months at home
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