Exposición Nac. e Int. de Málaga 2014 - Andre and Galasha´s results
octubre 22, 2014El domingo con el juez Sr. Rafael de Santiago, Galasha fue Exc. 1 clase abierta, CAC-RCACIB y Andre Exc. 1 clase campeones, CACIB y Mejor de Raza.
Very happy with the show result of this weekend, the Saturday under judge Mr. Roberto Velez from Puerto Rico, Andre got Excellent 1st, Rappel CAC, and Best of Breed. Then in the special finals Andre won 1st place in the Garum Trophy, a competition for exhibitors and breeders from Sociedad Canina Costa del Sol, under the honorable judge Mr. Francisco Ranea, he won also 150 euros and a weekend for two in a 4 stars hotel!!
And the Saturday at the Int. Dog Show Málaga 2014 under the honorable judge Mr Rafael de Santiago:
Galasha, Gibr JCh Sp JCh Savelina Vivid Galaktion, Excellent 1st, CAC and RCACIB
Andre, Multi Ch. Kirikiño Andre, Excellent 1st, CACIB and Best of Breed
Galasha, Gibr JCh Sp JCh Savelina Vivid Galaktion, Excellent 1st, CAC and RCACIB
Andre, Multi Ch. Kirikiño Andre, Excellent 1st, CACIB and Best of Breed
Foto by Manuel Calvo Villena - Gracias!
Andre after winning the 1st place in the Garum Trophy!!
Andre después de ganar el primer puesto del Trofeo Garum!!

Andre with Mr. Roberto Velez from Puerto Rico
Andre in the ring being judged by Mr. Rafael de Santiago, FCI president.
Andre going in the finals with me
Galasha waiting to go into the ring for being judged
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